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В. 1. The crowd was thinning now. 2. Her features had fined down. 3. She always felt secure when Ellen was by her, for there was nothing so bad that Ellen could not better it, simply by being there. 4. It's a sure thing one of us can't show up in the cabin, or we'll alert him. 5. This was Tom Helliwell who now came crunching over the snow to meet him, his silver-gilt hair prettied by the dust of snow. 6. Maybe it was the whisky warming my stomach. 7. What ammunition they had was secreted in their home. 8. But while she was maturing politically, her husband became a reactionary. 9. I'd yearned so much for a ride in Riley's car that now the opportunity presented itself nothing, even the prospect that no one might see me, could have thinned my excitement. 10. Back of her there appeared to be an entire orphanage emptying out of the truck. 11. But he outsmarted me. 12. Such a splendid friend would not have wronged me. 13. Maude's cheeks pinked.

Г. 1. They never had become rich. But always, at the Marsh, there was ample. 2. Indeed it was strange to enter up that silent cove, protected by the green hill, in the still cool of the evening, and see there a sailing vessel. 3. The next day I took a local to the place where the mine was. 4. It irked him that even Ann did not treat Nancy Bowshott as an equal. 5. Now she was sitting behind closed doors with him and him alone, as the evening drew on, and hoping like a seventeen-year-old that perhaps he might invite her out to dinner.

II.   Определите синтаксическую функцию выделенных наречий в следующих предложениях. Переведите эти предложения на русский язык.

А. 1. Tonight is important to me. 2. "What are you going to do," he asked, "when you leave here?" 3. "You're wrong there" I interrupted quickly. 4. In the ordinary way she would have been home at her apartment hours ago. But today had been exceptionally full, with two conventions moving in and a heavy influx of other guests. 5. My clear, surely you know Charleston! You've visited there. 6. I think I must find somewhere to sit. 7. Tomorrow's St Stephen's Day. 8. You have the effrontery to stand there telling me you've sold elsewhere! 9. Tonight was different. 10. I'd like to leave here no later than Thursday night. 11. "Where was his parish?" "Concep-


cion* and the villages around. But he left there years ago." 12. Ashley was acting as if he thought she was just flirting with him. But he knew differently. 13. You grow up like your father. Try to be just like him, for he was a hero and don't let anyone tell you differently. 14. That would be all they needed to know until such an evil day when they might find out differently. 15. It'll be interesting to see what abroad''s really like. 16. He missed the absence of the outback, the absence of a totally untamed beyond. 17. He raised his hands awkwardly and lifted the hair back over her brow, to reveal her bland and smiling beneath. 18. It was as if she were perpetually haunted and mocked by a music of happiness which came from some inaccessible elsewhere. 19. He was as fit as a fiddle when he left here. 20. There is nowhere else for them to work. 21. It was hard to reconcile herself to the fact that she had nowhere to go. 22. Fortunately we had not that far to go.

Б. 1. He was shorter than Leamas remembered him; otherwise, just the same. 2. Anger had always come easily except for those few brief years when Hester had taught him otherwise: to use patience and a sense of humour. 3. Call me if there's anything new that's important. Otherwise I'll be in touch with you. 4. At eighteen Andrew found himself alone, carrying a scholarship worth 40 pounds a year, but otherwise penniless. 5. Aunt Pitty knew nothing about men, either with their backs up or otherwise, and she could only wave her fat little hands helplessly. 6. She knew perfectly well that airlines never prosecuted stowaways, on the theory that publicity would be more harmful than otherwise. 7. "I've no luggage," Leamas replied, "except a tooth-brush and а тают." "That is taken care of. Are you ready otherwise?" 8. "What's his hame?" "Finegan. He's acting chief (замещает заведующего). Our regular chief is otherwise engaged." 9. The reason he had stayed, through most of the three-day storm, was to be available for emergencies. Otherwise, by now he would have been home with Cindy and the children. 10. Briefly, the policeman seemed ready to vent his own anger, then decided otherwise. 11. He would have preferred to have the note, but to insist would raise an issue, emphasising the incident, which otherwise might be forgotten. 12. She had been perfectly happy in her way, and it was pure sentimentality to wish that her way had been otherwise. 13. She hoped


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