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VI. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое внимание на перевод выделенных словосочетаний.

1. It struck her that she had been doing all the talking and that Larry had had no chance to do more than listen. 2. Just shut up and let me do the teaching of ancient history in this class. 3. If that's the way you feel, maybe you should do some checking. 4. Because he had been cautioned to do only local flying in an area northwest of Baltimore, no flight plan had been filed. 5. The man in the middle is a Frenchman who has done a lot of climbing in the Pyrenees. 6. The bell-boy grinned at Christine. "Doing a bit of detectiving, Miss Francis?" 7. "Get in and do the talking on the way," he said. 8. She and her two daughters, both of them middle-aged, did the cooking and the housework. 9. Even if he could fire the chief

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house detective, McDermott thought, he would do some hell raising in the morning. 10. We can do our shopping before lunch. 11. They had a gin and a tonic, Ashe doing most of the talking. 12. "Suppose you were asked now, though?" "Depends on who did the asking." "I'm doing the asking" 13. Ashenden went to the market about nine when the housewives of Geneva for the most part had done their provisioning. 14. In your place I'd leave the General do most of the talking. 15. Go along and do your packing. 16. He intended to do no more roof-climbing that night. 17. He's done most of the casting. 18. I do a little teaching here. 19. "Well, somebody's got to do some scheming," said Mildred. 20. "IV/ do some thinking about what you just said, Bessie," he promised without enthusiasm. 21. Amos, who does a little of travelling now and then, claimed to have seen her once at a fair in Bottle. 22. Freddie did a bit of gasping. He was a good deal on the nonplused side. 23. "I must be going," said old Bodsham. "I have some thinking to do." 24. I should have some very awkward explaining to do.

VII. Переведите следующие предложения. Замените выделенные словосочетания глаголами с конкретно-лексическим значением и сделайте другие соответствующие изменения там, где это необходимо.

1. The Tamil had been grossly insolent to him and Saffary had given him a thrashing. 2. When they chanced to meet she always gave him a friendly smile. 3. We're trying to get some sleep. 4. Saffary gave a harassed glance at the papers on the desk. 5. Suddenly she gave a piercing cry and fell headlong on the floor. 6. He took a step towards her and stopped. 7. He gave his hands a glance. 8. She gave a slight start. 9. He gave a gasp. 10. He gave her a pitiful look. 11. His voice broke and he gave a little sob. 12. She gave him a little bow, silently, and walked past him out of the room. 13. He made no further reference to the scene. 14. But Gallagher's appearance gave Mrs Hamlyn a shock. 15. I'm afraid there's no use in our making a promise we shouldn't be able to keep. 16. Gallagher gave a sigh of relief. 17. The captain sent for me yesterday. He gave me a rare talking to. 18. Pryce gave her a searching look. 19. Mrs Hamlyn passed Pryce on the deck, but he gave her a brief greeting and walked on. 20. She gave him a sharp look. 21. I wanted to have a good think. 22. Lord Kastellan gave me a nod. 23. He's a damned powerful man even now. By George, I had a struggle with him. 24. There was something about him that gave her a funny little feeling in the pit of


her stomach. 25. There was something so attractive in him that she couldn't bring herself to give him a saucy answer. 26. Mrs Towler gave me an angry frown. 27. You gave me such a fright. 28. Mrs Carter gave a gasp of horror. 29. Then an idea occurred to him and he gave her a piercing glance. 30. He only did it because he wanted to give me a good time. 31. He gave another grunt. 32. She had a proper laugh over this. 33. He lifted the cat on the toe of his shoe and gave him a toss. 34. The captain gave a great bang on the table with his fist. 35. He gave a loud shout. 36. During the next few days he looked at the house whenever he passed it, but never caught a glimpse of the girl. 37. Appleby heaved an immense sigh of relief. 38. You can have a little talk and then if you do not like the look of her you take your leave and no harm is done. 39. She shot a swift glance at him. 40. He poured himself out a little, added some soda, and took a sip. 41. He gave me a smiling look of his soft eyes. 42. "Had a nice swim?" he asked. 43. I stole a glance at him. 44. Two or three days later my friend and I were taking a walk. 45. Captain Bredon took a look at him first and went up. 46. Mr Warburton gave him a little nod of dismissal. 47. The man gave his shoulders a scornful shrug. 48. Then he would have a good sleep.


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