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R eferences which should provide a key to the essential relevant literature are given.

References are given which should provide a key to the essential relevant literature.

1. At last the persons for whom Ashenden had been waiting arrived. 2. The rumours of the activities of the revolutionaries grew hot and many. 3. Vague complaints and hints that the natives found Cooper harsh reached the governor. 4. Steps to incorporate the economies of Mongolia and Cuba more deeply in the international socialist division of labour are now being taken. 5. The promise that the priest had uttered meant little to him. 6. Protests against the detention, torture and trial of over 40 supporters of the Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa under the notorious Terrorism Act are planned in 16 major cities throughout Britain. 7. It appeared that a water festival of some sort which Featherstone thought would interest me was to take place. 8. Plans for exhibitions, film showings and other cultural events to be held at the Congress were also drawn up. 9. A beginning in the use of chemicales to cause precipitation over drought-stricken fields or over forest fires has been made. 10. But the point of the girl's chin was pressed ever closer into her thigh, and the sound of her sobbing was dreadful. 11. In the present study a general survey of structural changes in cellular com-


pounds is made. 12. No trace of any relative or friend with whom it was possible to communicate could be found. 13. A subscription to provide champagne at dinner had been collected. 14. An attempt to summarise the results will be made, 15. Nothing of particular interest was said.

XII.  Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод выделенных слов.

А. 1. Не was on the plump side, and he had a pot belly. 2. Ten years before her frocks had been somewhat on the showy side. 3. She must have been a handsome woman when young, for her features, though on the large side, were good. 4. Close up she became Irma Fliegler again; still pretty, a bit on the stout side, but stout in a way that did not make her unattractive. 5. Harris was wearing a regulation shirt, though it was on the small side, and every now and then Harris's hand would go up to ease the collar. 6. Her tongue slurred here: up to now she had spoken quite plainly, though on the soft side. 7. Too bad she wasn't more photogenic. On the homely side, I thought. 8. Myself, I should never have been a Judge, as such I was too often on the wrong side.

Б. 1. It was a smallish room, with big deep leather chairs of a delicate brown colour. 2. We have lodges in all the biggish places. 3. Near the front of the audience, a youngish man sprang to his feet. 4. "What about that hotel in the market place, Jimmy?" "Might be a bit dearish." 5. Well, if you do, I shall feel I ought to go too, and though I'm tiredish too, I hate to think I'm missing anything. 6. He was beginning to feel wonderlandish again, what with Mr Mensworth and the champagne. 7. The Hairless Mexican was a tall man, and though thinnish gave you the impression of being very powerful. 8. It was a longish ride. 9. I had a sweetish taste in my mouth. 10. I'm a baldish, stoutish gentleman of fifty-two. 11. She had known of many separated wives, living equivocally on smallish incomes, and knew how quickly their friends found them tiresome. 12. He was tallish, very spare.

XIII.  Переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на различие в употреблении степеней сравнения в русском и английском языках.

A. I. That was the room that Nancy liked best in all the house. 2. The holiday proved to be one of the happier times that Keith and Natalie had ever known. 3. He changed into

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the Chinese trousers and silk tunic in which he felt most at ease. 4. The findings of the mission include: the desirability of the countries concerned to meet and discuss early how best to initiate further action. 5. In general they went to dine at one of the better restaurants in Montparnasse. 6. But that which 1 liked best is that section of which the artery is the Boulevard du Montparnasse. 7. She congratulated me, somewhat ironically perhaps, on my acquaintance with the more disreputable parts of Paris. 8. Peter crossed to the telephone beside the nearer bed. 9. Among the more important decisions was the resolution on solidarity with that country. 10. My friend Wyman Holt is a professor of English literature in one of the smaller universities of the Middle West. 11. Fortunately, just when things were blackest, the war broke out. 12. "That's it," he said, "you young people, you all stick together; you all think you know best!"


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