![]() ![]() III. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание на употребление глаголов to talk, to speak, to think в значении переходных. 1. Will was talking common sense. 2. "Oh, shut up!" she cried, feeling a momentary intense relief at being able to 54 speak her feelings. 3. She loved horses and talked horses constantly. 4. I should not write those words. I should not even think them. 5. Alex talked riddles. 6. He disliked talking business with her. 7. The truth at last. Talking love and thinking money. 8. Melly and he were always talking such foolishness, poetry, and books and dreams and moonrays and star dust. 9. He was confused and spoke his thoughts as they came to him. 10. Think practical thoughts, will you? IV. А. Переведите следующие предложения. Укажите, в каких случаях глагол to show является переходным, в каких нет. Обратите внимание на его многозначность. 1. Show me your hands. 2. Is he showing any strain? 3. He wanted to know what movie was showing on the flight. He said, could I get him another flight which was showing the same movie as the first one? 4. The little old lady sat comfortably relaxed, hands folded daintily in her lap, a wisp of lace handkerchief showing between them. 5. The effect of sleepless nights showed quickly in his work. 6. The priest opened the doors, and they showed again the front garden of evergreens and all. 7. You've seen pictures of the clothes worn in Victorian times, haven't you? Skirts right down to the ground, not even the ankles showing? 8. As before, it took several minutes for Cindy to come to the telephone, and when she did, surprisingly, there was none of the fire she had shown during their previous conversation, only an icy chill. 9. Warren Trent walked stiffly into the bathroom now, pausing before a wall-width mirror to inspect the shave. He could find no fault with it as he studied the reflection facing him. It showed a deep-seamed, craggy face. 10. The house was very pretty, and beautifully built. But it showed all signs of the eleven children. 11. He showed a scar on his forehead as the result of a wound. 12. He was wearing a shirt, a pair of white trousers, and gym shoes through which one big toe showed. 13. The old man hummed to himself, glancing sideways at what the fire showed of the black torn cloth. 14. Pink classical facades peeled off and showed the mud beneath. 15. The schooner showed no light and the doctor only saw it in the darkness because he knew that it was there. 16. His glance showed him a man of about forty-five with short dark hair. 17. The village showed between luxuriant elms. 55 Б. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to show. 1. Я покажу вам, как это надо делать. 2. Он проявлял сильное нетерпение. 3. Она устала, и это было видно. 4. Из открытого окна была видна широкая лужайка. 5. Работа в ночную смену (The effect of the night shifts) сказывалась на его здоровье. 6. На картине было изображено тихое голубое озеро. 7. Он был немного обижен, и, возможно, это отразилось у него на лице. 8. В его гладких черных волосах не было видно и признаков (traces) седины. 9. Она мечтала. Об этом говорили ее глаза. В. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на употребление глагола to sound. 1. Another shot sounded. 2. Jane's voice sounded scandalised. 3. She sounded happy, almost breathless. 4. Hank sounded puzzled. 5. It sounds like a good idea to me. 6. That sounds more like you. 7. He laughed. "You sound like a woman." 8. You sound so hard and bitter. 9. Wonderful why some nurses felt they had to sound like official bulletins. 10. You don't sound a very warm follower yourself. 11. It sounded a very callous way to put it, but there it was, and it was perfectly natural. Г. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to sound. 1. Раздался еще один взрыв. 2. Это звучит очень мило и по-женски (feminine). 3. Вы говорите так печально. 4. Вот это больше похоже на тебя. 5. Это всегда казалось мне пустой тратой времени. 6. По голосу вам можно дать лет 18. 7. Вы говорили так убедительно. Д. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление глагола to look. 1. Don't look at him. 2. I know I'm looking like hell. 3. It looks like rain. 4. Elliott in his well-cut dinner jacket looked elegant as he alone could look. 5. He was a very learned man, but he didn't look it any more than he looked like my idea of a monk. 6. You don't look an old man. ![]() ![]() |