22 гвозди. 5. У каждого (one) свои проблемы. 6. «Но нельзя ведь жить на три тысячи в год!» — воскликнула она. 7. Нужно (one) принимать мир таким, каков он есть. 8. Мне потребовалась минута, чтобы принять решение (to make up one's mind). 9. Нельзя же (you) спорить с человеком, у которого кулак как стальной молот. 10. Нет никакого смысла обсуждать это. 11. Говорят, она вышла замуж. 12. Попробуй сходить на этот завод. Там нужны рабочие. 13. Приятно прогуляться рано утром. 11. А. Переведите следующие предложения с конструкцией there is. 1. There is milk in the jug. 2. There was a menace in his voice. 3. There was a storm coming. 4. There seemed to be no end to our troubles. 5. There entered John and Lucie holding each other's hands. 6. There isn't even the satisfaction of raising a row about it. 7. There was an unspeakable beauty about mornings, the great sun from the sea. 8. There is the fear that our civilisation may be completely destroyed by the new weapons of destruction that scientists have placed in the hands of their rulers. 9. I don't want to frighten you, but there's always the possibility that you will die, or be killed in an accident, while you are still young. 10. It always seemed to them that there hung about the house faintly the acrid smell of opium. 11. After all, there's no harm in trying. 12. Then finally she burst into laughter that made the other two want to go on and on for ever. And there were the three of them, shaking, watery-eyed, helpless. 13. Below and beyond there stretched toward the invisible sea the flat pale green expanse of Romney Marsh. 14. There had been mornings when he came in fearing to find Fanny dead. 15. And there was Fanny's poor old dressing-gown still hanging on the door. 16. There was not much to find. There had not been much to find in the desk either. Poor Fanny had had no secrets. She had been a woman without mystery. There had been no darkness in her. 17. The lines of roses were out of sight now below the hill, and between the towering beeches there was only visible the blue and white swiftly moving sky. 18. There was Tory fury in the House of Commons over the decision. Б. Переведите на английский язык, используя конструкцию there is. 1. Над дверью магазина была вывеска. 2. На этих равнинах очень солнечно (sunshine) круглый год. 3. В доме бы- 23 ла большая веранда. 4. Дул холодный ветер. 5. В комнате стояла тишина (silence). 6. В ее голосе была приятная хрипотца (huskiness). 7. И как раз в этот момент появился Джеймс. 8. Казалось, конца не будет ее жалобам. 9. В комнату вбежали дети, весело смеясь. 10. В то время не было никакой возможности получить работу. 11. Кажется, нет причины откладывать решение этого вопроса. 12. Оставалось только посадить (to put) Мэри в экипаж. В. Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие there is + отрицание + герундий. 1. There's no telling when I'll be out. 2. There was no denying that Constance had a lovely figure. 3. When he saw that there was no persuading him to stay, he ceased to urge it. 4. There was never any telling when he would turn up. 5. There was no evading his impudence. 6. Finally he decided there was no knowing whether she believed the story or not. 7. Mildred felt her tears coming now. There was no resisting them. 8. To him there is no escaping the fact that man is an evil animal. Г, Переведите на английский язык, используя упражнение В в качестве образца. 1. Трудно сказать, когда он вернется. 2. Нельзя отрицать, что она права. 3. Нельзя было предотвратить (to avert) опасность. 4. Остановить его было невозможно. 5. Мать была уверена, что ее Том не виноват, и разубедить (to dissuade) ее было невозможно. 6. Мир переменился, и возврата назад быть не могло. III. Переведите на русский язык и укажите, при переводе каких предложений невозможно употребление страдательного залога. 1. Then the maid was awakened and the doctor sent for. 2. I can be rung up if there is any change. 3. Pringle's stockings were splashed by a passing taxi. 4. He was asked abruptly whether he thought he would like it at Cobb. 5. He was regarded by all his friends as amiable, loyal, tough-natured, but rather cold. 6. It was done on purpose. 7. Zena's prayer is answered. 8. Anyone who puts furniture before cats and children shouldn't be allowed to have either. 9. Tom, who called for his typescript next day, was congratulated 8