![]() ![]() A full stop stands at the end of a sentence. He обращайте внимания на некоторые странности в рассказе: например, мистер Блисс со своей компанией (his party) является к Доркинсам не через калитку, а падает на них с неба (from the sky или out of the sky). Это фантазии, присущие мистеру Блиссу и мистеру Толкину, а языковых странностей в этом тексте нет. Кстати, о полетах: провожая друзей в аэропорту, англичане желают им “гладкого” полета. They say, “Have a smooth flight!” Но куда важнее благополучно приземлиться - не в чужой сад и не лицом в супницу. The English say, “Have a safe landing!” Meet the Dorkinses Познакомьтесь с Доркинсами The Dorkinses are fat people one of them is especially fat and they call him the Fat Dorkins or just Fattie he has curly black hair he wears no coats because he splits them when he tries to put them on he goes about in a white shirt it has yellow spots and no sleeves the second fattest of them is Albert his legs are very short the name of the third Dorkins is Herbert the fourth is Egbert he wears a green jacket when Mr Bliss comes they are having a picnic on the lawn in front of their house they are sitting on little stools their lawn is very nice and they have a nice carpet on the grass there is a soup-tureen in the middle of the carpet Herbert discovers a beetle in his soup Egbert sees another beetle on their lovely carpet he wants to squash it with his spoon at this moment Mr Bliss and his party fall from the sky onto the Dorkinses, the soup, the beetle and the lovely carpet. Words - Слова fat [faet] - толстый; especially [is'pejgli] - особенно; curly ['ko:li]— вьющийся; split [split] - разрывать; spot [spot] -точка, горошина; sleeve [sli:v] - рукав; leg [leg] - нога; jacket ['d3sekit] - пиджак; lawn [lo:n] - лужайка, газон; stool [stu:l] - табуретка; soup-tureen ['su:ptju'ri:n] - супница; discover [dis'kAva] - обнаружить, найти; beetle [bi:tl] - жук; lovely [’IavH] - прекрасный, чудный; squash [skwoj] - раздавить, расплющить.