любимчик (начальства) I Paula thinks siio i„in ilu what she likes, just because .lie’s the blue-eyed girl of the boss a bolt from tho blue гром среди ясною неба His resignation was a bolt from the blue. a bone of contention камень преткновения (спорный/ трудный вопрос); яблоко раздора We've fought for so long that we’ve forgotten what the bone of contention is. a boozer (inf) алкаш I used to be a boozer for years during the war. a bottleneck узкое место (проблема) The strike has created a bottleneck in the assembly department. a brain like a sieve память как решето He lost the key to his Ferrari but admitted that his brain was like a sieve. a brainwave блестящая идея ; While in the bath, Archimedes had a brainwave for calculating the volume of irregular-shaped solids. a brat (derog) щенок; сопляк; выродок I Mrs Estrupp's children are all brats. a bread heel горбушка хлеба 1 She saves bread heels for the birds. a breath of fresh air глоток свежего воздуха After all the criticism, his positive comments came as a breath of fresh air. a bright spark (esp about children, pupils) светлая голова; умница At school I wasn't one of the bright sparks that went on to higher education. a bug 8