15. Failing agreement by the United States to steps of this kind, serious consideration should be given to the possibilities and scope for concerted action by the industrialized countries of Western Europe to maintain high levels of output and trade in the international economy outside the United States. 16. The only certainty is that on this last lap of the race every effort will be made by the larger parties to win over liberal voters or, failing that, to encourage by every means the liberal obstacle to their opponents' chances. 17. This was what the Tories want. They are against the Bill, but failing its complete defeat they are aiming to get it amended into uselessness. 18. It was agreed that pending the banning of nuclear weapon^ nations should be forbidden to use them except against aggression and on a Security Council decision. 19. Pending the reopening of negotiations and fearing the 'abrogation of some privileges the State Council adopted certain measures. 20. The Cabinet decided to consider the agreement pending 'ratification by the Majlis. 21. America's Secretary of State headed a U.S. Government delegation which has arrived in Tokyo for talks on trade matters. The delegation left in a convoy of 36 cars for a mountain resort, pending the opening of the talks tomorrow. 22. And it is argued that the risk that Britain runs in exposing her hand, though not to be discounted, is well worth taking, considering the importance to British industry of the negotiations as a whole. IV. Форма на -ing Форма, оканчивающаяся на -ing, может быть причастием, герундием, прилагательным или отглагольным существительным. И герундий и причастие могут выступать в функции определения и обстоятельства, но причастие выполняет эти функции без предлога (оно может сочетаться только с союзами when и while), а герундий (или герундиальный комплекс) в этих функциях всегда следует за предлогом. Для герундия характерно также сочетание с существительным в притяжательном и общем падеже или с притяжательным местоимением (герундиальный комплекс). Причастие сочетается с существительным в общем падеже и гораздо реже с местоимением в именительном падеже. 75