II. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод страдательного залога и сослагательного наклонения. 1. While Trades Union Congress leaders were being pressed yesterday at Downing Street to agree to wage freezing, Stock Exchange speculators were pushing share prices to a new record level. 2. This report — the first of which will appear next autumn,— would give the T.U.C. views on the general level of pay increases in the following years. Claims notified to the General Council by unions would be in accordance with it. Discussions with the Department of Economic Affairs and the Confederation of British Industry would take place before the drawing up of the report. 3. Tomorrow night's meeting of the Parliamentary Labor Party, when the Prime Minister will wind up the discussions on the Market, will conclude his formality of consulting backbenchers about a decision he has already made in principle. His speech to MPs is to be published immediately after it is made, which is thought to be a further indication of his efforts to guide opinion the way he wants. Anti-Market MPs hope that the speech Mr E.S. will make will also get similar facilities and be published in full. Most MPs would be surprised if the Cabinet should fail to endorse the Prime Minister's known desire to ask for negotiations on the transitional arrangements needed during the period of Britain's adjustment to Common Market laws and practice. 4. Behind this action lies an admission of, and a determination to solve, the real problem of every weatherman — that meteorologists actually know frighteningly little about the weather. "If a scientist in any other field made predictions based on so little basic information," the head of the United States Weather Bureau's international unit remarked recently "he'd be flatly out of his mind." And if chemistry were now at the same stage as meteorology, a colleague added, the world would just be beginning to worry about the horrifying effect of gunpowder in warfare. 5. The repercussions in Nigeria, should he carry out his threat to resign, might be even more serious. In September a conference is due to be held in London at which representatives from all parts of Nigeria will be present. 179