ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ ДЛЯ ПЕРЕВОДА НА СМЕШАННЫЕ ТРУДНОСТИ I. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод неличных форм глагола и их функцию. 1. One person in ten can expect to be seriously injured or killed in a road accident during their lifetime, according to Prof. W. G., director of the Road Injuries Research Group at the Birmingham Accident Hospital, in a report issued today. The report is concerned with ways of reducing the 24,000 deaths in Britain each year of men and women below the age of 45. It concentrates on accidents, cancer, heart disease and suicide, which between them cause three quarters of these young adult deaths. In a foreword, Mr G. Т., director, Office of Health Economics, suggests that 6,000 to 7,000 young lives could be saved each year if attention was concentrated on preventing the four main causes of premature death. 2. The Geneva conference having failed to secure an agreement, there was no way of telling what the outcome will be. 3. After months of talks and Cabinet discussions, the Government has told us what power it intends to hold over pay negotiations in the future, after "severe restraint" has ended. Part II of the Price and Incomes Act is to be "activated", to follow the period of "severe restraint" due to end in a few months time. Increases in both incomes and prices are to be vetted through "early-warning measures". As far as prices are concerned the system (here: the Price and Incomes Act) is supposed to concentrate on those of economic significance, especially those affecting the cost of living. Part II enforces the notification of wage claims, by either the employer or the union, within seven days of their being lodged. Notification has to be made to the appropriate Government Minister. 4. "The only alternative to letting the British Motor Corporation company close and a thousand people become redundant, was for the Government to take over responsibility," said the Minister of Aviation repudiating Tory charges that the Government was responsible for the failure of private enterprise in this field. 177