71 Sinhalise slew turn ° not slue smart alec smooth (adjective and verb) ° not smoothe sobriquet somersault some time (come and see me some time) sometime former, formerly spirituel (masculine and feminine) having refinement of mind spurt squirearchy stanch (verb) stop a fow State (capital S for the political unit) stationary (adjective) at rest stationery (noun) papaer, etc. staunch loyal stoep (South Africa) veranda storey division of building ° Amer. story storeyed having storeys storied celebrated in story stoup for holy water, etc. straight without curve strait narrow sty for pigs; swelling on eyelid ° not stye subsidiary sulphur ° Amer. sulfur sumac summons (noun) a command to appear (plural summonses) summons (verb) issue a summons (inflected summonsed) swap ° not swop sycamine, sycomore (Biblical trees) sycamore (member of maple genus) syllabication ° not syllabification synthesist, synthesize ° not synthet- teasel (plant) teetotalism teetotaller tehee (laugh) tell (archaeology) template ° not templet tetchy thank you ° not thankyou tic contraction of muscles tick-tack semaphonre titbit ° Amer. tidbit titillate excite titivate smarten up today tomorrow 71