149. The question may still be raised, however, as to why leu-copenic animals, which have less transferable pyrogen in their sera during endotoxin fever than normal animals, exhibit undi-minished febrile responses to the endotoxin. How is such apyto-gen-fever dissociation accounted for, if the pyrogen is responsible for the fever? 150. As to a possible relationship between inhibition of protein synthesis and cessation of virus production, the following can be said. The continued presence after the 6th hour of large amounts of antigen in cells does not neessarily mean that the supply was sufficient to permit further virus production. 151. These factors together with hardware considerations and problems of coordination with other radio services, led to operation in the 3200—4200 mc and 5925—6425 mc common-carrier band. 152. The discovery that steady potential shifts are subject to conditioning as well as the report by Rusinov that localized slow potential variations are seen in the visual area when a defense reflex is elicited by a light stimulus lend further support to the notion that standing potentials are somehow involved in establishment of new functional linkages. 153. In view of evidence indicating an adverse role of adrener-gic vasoconstriction in the development of shock, it may reasonably be postulated that the deterious effects of endotoxin are due not to a direct tissue toxicity per se, but rather are scondary to an increased responsiveness to adrenergic stimuli. 154. If the saving in operating costs is to be fully realised, a high standard of reliability is necessary. 155. The striking relationship between the time at which DNA and protein synthesis becomes completely inhibited, and the onset of marked cell damage, strongly suggests that the degeneration and ultimate death of cells may well be due to the profound metabolic derangements which develop in virus-infected cells. 156. Whereas in earlier experiments homograft rejection was frequently mistaken for tumor-specific resistance, recent experiments which were performed on inbred mice, under conditions excluding, as far as possible, genetic differences between host and tumor, may point to the existence of a true tumor-specific resistance. 493