I have always taught you to be kind and to do and say what you will do. Go and open the door and invite the frog to dinner. Принцесса открывает дверь, Принц-лягушка заходит, садится за стол и начинает есть. My lovely daughter, why didn’t you eat? I am not very hungry and didn’t want to eat. (К зрителям.) I didn’t want to eat from the same plate as the frog and drink from the same cup! Will you take me to your bedroom now? (плачет). Oh, dear, I cannot sleep in a bed with a frog. It’s too much to ask. I would like to go to bed. Please, take me there now. No, I will not. You will not sleep in my bed. Remember what the frog did for you and what you said to him! СЦЕНА 3 Декорации: комната принцессы — кровать, зеркало. Входят принцесса и Принц-лягушка. Принцесса быстро садится на кровать. Let me sleep in your bed. Go away! Go back to the pond! I will tell your father if you are not good and kind! Принцесса плачет, свет гаснет. Princess cried and cried. She has been crying all the night till the morning. Включается свет. Принц-лягушка спрыгивает с кровати и срывает маску-Принцесса открывает глаза. 80