He went to the small bed. At that time the family which lived in that house came back. Oh, what is this? Who was in our house? Who ate out of my plate? Who ate out of my plate? Oh, my plate! It’s broken! It’s broken! Look at the chair. It’s broken too! Father, Mother, Daughter (together): Who was in our house? They came into the bedroom. Who jumped on my bed? Oh, my pillows! Oh, my bed! Oh! What is this? Look at my bed! What is this, I’m afraid. That was our Little Bear. Oh, It’s a bear! I know it. It’sabad, curious bear! He wanted to catch it. But our Little Bear ran away from him. And he came back to his family. He never ran away from it. Второй класс «Millions of Cats» (adapted from a story by Wanda Ga’g) Действующие лица: Ведущий первый Ведущий второй Ведущий третий Ведущий четвертый Старик Старуха Белый кот Черный с белым кот Серый кот Черный кот Коричневый кот 74