108 Antarctic ° do not drop the first c. anti- (prefix): rhymes with shanty, not, as often Amer., ant eye. antiquary stress on 1st syllable. apache (Indian): rhymes with patchy; (street ruffian) rhymes with cash. apartheid 3rd syllable like hate. ° Not apart-ite or apart-hide. apophthegm a-po-them. apparatus 3rd syllable like rate; not appar-ah-tus. applicable stress on 1st syllable. apposite 3rd syllable like that of opposite. arbitrarily stress properly on 1st syllable, in informal speech on 3rd. Arctic ° do not drop the first c. Argentine 3rd syllable as in turpentine. aristocrat stress on 1st syllable. ° Not (except Amer.) a-rist-ocrat. artisan stress originally on 3rd syllable; pronunciation with stress on 1st syllable is Amer., and now common in Britain. aspirant stress on 1st syllable. asthma ass-ma is the familiar pronunciation; to sound the th is didactic (Amer. az-ma). ate rhymes with bet (Amer. with bate). audacious au as in audience, not as in gaucho. auld lang syne 3rd word like sign, not zine. azure the older pronunciation was with -zure like -sure in pleasure; now usually az-yoor. banal 2nd syllable like that of canal or morale (Amer. rhymes with anal). basalt 1st a as in gas, 2nd as in salt; stress on either. bathos a as in paper. blackguard blagg-ard. bolero (dance): stress on 2nd syllable; (jacket) stress on 1st. 108