The cabin had an aroma to it that I suspect has vanished from the earth forever. Even in summer, the stove was going most of the day, as old Lou boiled and simmered and fried food for the table. It was my good fortune to have an extraordinary mother who allowed me to spend plenty of time with the Coleses—though, in reality, she couldn't have kept us apart. She gave the Coles boys strict orders to make me take turns, share everything and act nice. In this respect, our lives seemed equal. My special friend was Louis, for he was closest to my age. The palms of his black hands were light, and I remember — that summer in the South in 1948 _ telling him the old Uncle Remus fable: Once upon a time all humanity was black. Word spread that there was a special pond in which the black could be washed off. But by the time the laziest people reached the pond, there was only enough water to wash off the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet. «And that,» I explained to Louis as we waded in the creek chasing crawfish, «is why I'm white all over and you're not.» And Louis cheerfully agreed. Test № 12 I. Определите, верны (True) или неверны (False) следующие утверждения. 1. 36 years ago the author lived in the countryside in Virginia. 2. The author loved the Coleses family because he was an only child. 3. The author and Louis were almost the same age. 4. The author's mother wanted to keep her son apart from the Coleses but she couldn't. II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. What kind of house did the Coleses live in? 2. Why did the author love the Coleses family? 117