After graduating from the university, she got a job in journalism. Newspapers were increasingly popular and to sell them to a wider audience some papers realised that appealing to women was important. She not only worked for newspapers but also wrote articles and books later in her life. After the Second World War, she got a job with one of the new women's magazines that were to become more and more popular. After many years of hard work and struggling in a male dominated profession she eventually reached the top and became the editor of the magazine. Mary never married as her work was very important to her and a job and marriage did not mix in Britain in the 1950's. She is now old in years and confined to a wheelchair. However she is still full of enthusiasm about life. Her personal courage, her enthusiasm and interest in life, as well as the example she has set for all women working in our still male dominated society, makes Mary a woman I feel privileged to have known. Test № 8 I. Определите, верны (True) или неверны (False) следующие утверждения. 1. The story was written in the 1980s. 2. Mary got an education typical of the women of her class. 3. Mary stayed in her profession all her life. 4. There have always been more male magazine-editors in Britain than female. II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. Why doesn't the narrator know her Great Aunt very well? 2. What kind of job did Mary get after graduating from the university? 3. Why did Mary never marry? 110