![]() ![]() 1.1 know that your job is important, but my job is important too, My job is___. 2. The bicycle is fast, but the car is faster. The bicycle is 3. Her knowledge is poor, but he knows a bit more. His knowledge is___. 4. He is lazy, but his brother is lazy too. He is___. 5. Their furniture costs $700, and ours is $870. Their furniture is ____. 6. France is big. Belgium is not a big country. Belgium is___. 7. Her wages are $200 a week, and mine are $150. My wages are___. 8. She is beautiful, but I like her sister better. I think, she is____.. 9. He is tall, but I am taller. He is____. 10. Tverpkaya and Arbat are crowded streets. Tverskaya street is____.
Exercise 73. Complete the sentences with than ... or us... as or the saine .,, as. 1. Everybody was shocked. Nobody was more shocked ___Nick. 2.1 wish you were ___ pretty___your mother, 3. He is___ age___my brother. 4.1 earn___ much nioney___he does. But she earns more___we both. 5.1 ordered..___drink____he did. 6. Your car is much more Powerful___mine, bat my small car is___expensive ____yours. 7.1 spent___ much money___he did. But I . didn't spend___ sum____ Mary did. I spent much less money___she. 8. Petrol is more expensive now___a few years ago. 9. Prices are not___in the 1990s. 10. Paris is___exciting___London.
Exercise 74. Translate into English. 1. Он потратил не так много времени на перевод этой статьи, как вы. 2. Она сыграла свою роль сегодня так же хорошо, как и два дня назад. 3. В этот день Том написал столько же писем, сколько и вчера. 4. Эти новости не такие интересные, как те, которые мы слышали на прошлой неделе. 5. Он получил такое же образование, как и ты. 6. Сегодня мороз не такой сильный (severe), как вчера,, Мы можем пойти погулять. 7. Товары в этом магазине не такие дорогие, как в том. 8. Уровень жизни (living standard) в России не такой высокий, как в США. 9. Новая машина Майкла такая же мощная, как и моя. 10. Движение на этой улице не такое интенсивное (heavy), как в центре. ![]() ![]() |