Exercise 109. Give the interrogative and negative forms of the following sentences. 1. They have to go there. 2. Bess has got to stay here till late at night. 8„1 often have to travel on business. 4о They had to buy tickets for the next train. 5. They have to work a lot to earn money» 6. She has to take another exam. 7. We have got to leave the party because of our baby. 8. You have to get permission to go there. 9. She has to go shopping after work. 10. He has to see a dentist tomorrow» II. We had to change our plans. 12. He had to revise the rule to write the test well. 13. She has got to work at the weekend. 14. They had to spend more money ob this trip. 15. He has to go by underground. His car has broken down. 16. She has to keep to a diet.
Exercise 110 Fill In the blanks with the proper form of the verb? t<j ttave (to) or to have got (to) 1. Last month he spent his holiday at the seaside. He ___a room at the top of the hotel. 2. Mom, don't worry! We___a very good time here. 3. Yesterday I___.get up early to catch the train. 4. He gave up teaching. He___ no patience. 5. We___got to finish work at 4 o'clock. 6. She___a bath now. 7.___a look at this picture! I am sure it's a Dali. 8.1 am sure he___some information to pass on you. 9. He___got a lot of work to do. 10. There are two kinds of speeches: there is the speech that a person makes when he___ something to say and the speech when he___say something.
Exercise 111. 112