3. They underestimate present. Elderly people often think that life was better to the past The air was cleaner, the grass was greener and the life was cheaper, and safer. But the old days were not so good as some people say. Now you wiB hear Stoutfkm 6 again. (Repeat) Sttmtfea 7 You'tftisten to a weather forecast What is special aboutit? ^ /rtt* highest temperature is going ta b* 10 drgrees. ^ ’-.‘U ; : > 7 The strong wbnds will bring cold atr from tht east today. 3. Tomorrow the weather will change.. Tbf fin» weather isn’t going tola*, if we look* tomorrow's map, we’U see that it’s going to become very windy. The strong winds toewrowwfll bring sopcveiycold air from tfaeeast. The highest temperature will be priy 8 degrees. Now yomwiB hear &6шй0т 7 again. (MepeeQ Tkbts the end of the task. Now you Hove 15 seconds to check ymtr answers. TkbbtheendcftlstmlmgTe*. Приложение 2 Материалы для Mtmxemrropoi, дромдяци устную часть экзамен» (Часть 4) INTERLOCUTOR CARD Taak 1 (3-&5 miurtes) Let the student speak for 1-1.5 minutes. Then ask her\him «boot some of the following things sVhe han’t mentioned m berMtis talk: SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. Do you like Ae books you study at school? 90