To be honest 1 don’t pay much attention to the media because 1 don’t really see the point. 1 don’t like to depress myaeif listening to sad news of awftol disastos, catastrophes, or wars. Why, iff can’t do anything about that? Now you wiU hear Situation 7 again. (Repeat) This b the etui of the task Now you have 15 seconds to check your answers. This is the end of Listening Test Приложение 2 Материалы для экзаменаторов, прмндащах устную часть экзамена (Часть 4) INTERLOCUTOR CARD Task 1 (3-3J minutes) Let die student speak for 1-1.5 minutes. Then ask haMiim about some of die following things sUie hasn’t mentioned in heiMiis talk: SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. Who is die main figure in your family? 2. Who b a honey creature in your family? 3. Did your parents teach you anything? 4. Who runs the house in your family? 5. Do your family help you to solve your problems? SKILLS TO BE TESTED: The student is expected to demonstrate her\hb ability to: —ipeafc at leagth Haberatiag oa tkt topfe; - orgaaiM herihis speech «lag eohetive davlees; - show herUris control of grammatical structures aad a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and ftmetten. - Excuse me. Where can I buy a suit? INTERLOCUTOR CARD Task 2 (1-1.5 mlnutea) You are a shop assistant The student will begin the conversation. Student 38