SKILLS TO BE TESTED: The student is expected to demonstrate her\fcis ablHty te: - speak at length elaborating on the topk; - organise herUiu speech tuing cohesive devices; ' - show herMib control of grammatical rtmctvrcs and a gaod range of votkbulary appropriate to the context and function. ' INTERLOCUTOR CARD Task 2 (1-1.5 minutes) You ate a manager. The student will begin the conversation. Give him/her information about yourcomputer courses. Student Interlocutor - Yes, certainly. What exactly are you interested in? - It lasts for two hours. - Two. We have an evening and a morning groups. —They are all experienced. —$50 per month. ' -Yes, you’ll have & 104 rebate. v • - I want to improve my computer skills. Could you give me some information about your courses? -How long does the class last? ч -How many times a week? r«iKnd what about the teadiors?v - How much dull 1 pay? - I’m a schoolgirl. Do you have any price rebates for schoolchildren? - ОК.. I dunk, it’s what I want Or - Oh, It’s too long for me. I’d better find something else. SKILLS TO BE TESTED: Tbestadent to expected to ibmoiistrate herVhis abHityto: - ask questions la order to get aome (actual iitfbnMtiocM - Initiate and maintain the conversation; - make a decision.