all in one piece в целости и сохранности; цел и невредим \The package was handled carefully, and the vase inside arrived all in one piece. all Lombard street to a China orange давать голову на отсечение It's all Lombard street to a China w.iiif/о that he'll lose his money if !w Invests it in the X-company. nil mouth and trousers гылпболка: пустозвон; трепло (Лом гун) He 'II talk all night about your problems and how to solve ilium, but he won'/ actually do anything to help. His trouble is that he’s nil mouth and trousers. nil over and done with покончить; дело прошлое He h r. behaved very wickedly in the /i.i'./ but that’s all over and done with. *11 the King’s horses and all the Kino’s men имея королевская рать» :: If you linvon'/ got a degree or diploma in engineering I doubt whether all the Klnij’s horses and all the King’s moil could get you a job with that particular firm. «Il-singing, all-dancing (humor) последнее слово/достижение; | .1мый писк j She showed us the ntiw all-singing, all-dancing graphics software she’d bought for her computer. «long for the ride (inf) in компанию i Except for John, nil of us here are practising photographers; John is just along for tho ride. пи about-face (Am) l к шорот на 180е (внезапно измени 11. планы, мнение и т.д.) L Both papers did ап about-face and published a condemnation of his actions. The board did an about-face on acquiring more land. 44