n whipping boy (Am) add fuel to the fire колол отпущения; мальчик для пи 11.и “I used to be the whipping liny during my early days at the i,(трапу "he musingly remembered. n whlstle-stoptour mrionoM по Европам I Coach h uitis of tourists come for whistle-*top tours of the main European Oltlos. n white lie ложь во спасение; невинная ложь ' When I said her novel v/as UOOd, it was a white lie. n whole new ball game повеем другое дело We’d done a lot of climbing in Scotland, hill the Himalayas were a whole iinw ball game. n wllllng/work horse рабочая лошадка I Poor Helen /л ii willing horse and seems to do thmo-quarters of the work of the whole committee. n wimp гряпка: слабак i Quit being such n wimp, for Chrissakel Don ’(let her wnlk all over you! n windfall привалить (о деньгах); неожиданная удача; непредвиденный доход I’ve had a windfall. Не hurl и windfall from the football pool. * wiper «дворник» (стеклоочиститель) loday I’ve been complimented mi my driving. Under the wiper. I found a note saying ’Parking Fine’. a wise guy (Am inf derog) 41