I was in an awful play where I had to come downstairs transformed from an ugly duckling into a beautiful lady. an unknown quantity темная лошадка i John is an unknown quantity. We don’t know bow he's going fo ad. an upstart выскочка i I refuse to let that young upstart muscle in on my business. and all that jazz (inf) и все такое прочее; и тому по- / ii р( и ioo They sell televisions and nil IIiiiI jazz. niiil stuff и iir.o такое прочее; и тому по-доОное I Gina studies botany, you know - plants and stuff. and whatnot ■into там только нет; черта в i tyno The luxury house has ten /1 «(/rooms, a swimming pool and wlmtnot. nnother cup of tea uMicQM другое дело “i I wasn’t Inlklng about Jeremy. I meant his I Wither. - Ah, Rodney's way of doing Ыisinoss is quite another cup of tea. • nother/a second string to ono'e bow лишний козырь; еще один плюс II you can teach English as well .id yoga, it's another string to your l*)W ■ny old how (inf) гип-ляп; как попало; как бог на «ушу положит Johnny doesn’t i д/о what his homework looks like. I Ip does it any old how. j “Look," I mi nl lo the carpenter. “If I was con-lent to have my shelves put up any i •/•/ how, I’d have done the job myself н is I of paying you todoH." Her itask is always terribly untidy - she futt throws down papers anyoldhov/. 47