• Pete joins the businessmen in the lounge at 10 sharp. Nick takes David to Pete's office. David goes to Pete's office by himself ü by himself — сам, самостоятельно • Before the businessmen get down to business they speak about the weather. Before the businessmen get down to business they speak about their families. Before the businessmen get down to business they speak about the hotel and the dinner at the restaurant ü weather — погода • During their business talk the businessmen discuss only one point. They discuss two points. They discuss a few points. • They start their talk with discussing the hotel accommodation. They start their talk with discussing the topics of the lectures. They start their talk with discussing the time of the Piogramme. • They make a break for dinner. They make a break for lunch. They make a break for having a small talk. Настоящее простое время (Present Indefinite) Present Indefinite глаголов образуется с помощью инфинитива глагола без частицы to для всех лиц и чисел, кроме 3-го лица ед. ч. В 3-м лице ед. ч. к глаголу добавляется окончание s. I make a break Не / She makes a break 139