52 — I used to think that living in die cotmtry must be boring. However, I’ve completely changed my mind nowadays. 53 — In (be USA 4iete are ion» wonderful buildings. However we saw that there tfre«lso sonte4readfiil slums. 54—The weather is not something you aigae aboti ordiscuss jarioody. The most common greeting is nice day ian't it? even if the weather is awful. 55—People don’t believe me when ] say I’m a secretary. They have certam expectations of black people and think that I should have lots of kids, play reggae band «id live in a high-rise flat in the East End of London. Yon have IS seconds to complete the teak (Fause IS seconds) Now yen'll bear ifcte «фа apte.(Repeat) ТЫа ia tba mmI of tba task. Yea aaw have 15 seconds to cbeekyonr answers. Задания В2-В7. Прослушайте (дважды) сообщение. Запишите недостающую информацию в вопросах В2-В7 в виде цифры, слова или словосочетания в отведенное для этого место. June 14 is Flag Day in the USA. American Flag has a nickname “the Stars and Stripes”. The 13 stripes represent the 13 states that declared the independence in 1776. Americans changed their flag 26 times. The 50 white stars represent the number of states in the whole of the union. You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds) Now you’ll hear Part 2 again. (Repeat) This is the end of Part 1. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 15 seconds) Задания Al-A 7. Вы услышите высказывания людей в 7 различных ситуациях. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию высказываний, выбрав один из трех предложенных вариантов ответа. Вы услышите каждое высказывание дважды. Во время прослушивания в заданиях А1-А 7 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую правильному ответу. 52