Если бы я знал об этом раньше (но я не знал)... Если бы я был менее усталым (но я очень устал)... If I had know it before ... Had I known it before ... If I were less tired... Were I less tired... По-английски же эти две мысли выражаются по-разному. Первая мысль выражается условным предложением типа Б, рассмотренным выше: If I won Iflsloud win If I were to win I would (should) buy a car. Should I win Were I to win Нереализованное условие в прошлом выражается предложением типа: If I had won a lot of money, Если бы я выиграл ..., я бы ку- I should have bought а саг. пил ... (но я не выиграл). Мы разобрали основные типы условных предложений, но в литературе могут встречаться и сочетания этих типов. Прочтите и переведите: Tun A: If you need a dictionary, go to the library. I shall go immediately unless you want me to wait. We shall wait here if you don't mind. Ifhe was ill, why didn't he lie down? I can conduct the observation provided you help me. If I find that letter, I shall show it to you. If I meet him, I shall invite him. If the children are playing quietly, don't disturb them. Тип Б: If I met him again, I could ask him about it. Do you think he would be angry if I asked him to help me? Would they come, if we invited them? Should it be necessary, we could make another test. If he should ask you, tell him no news been received. Tun B: Ifhe were older, he could take that job. If I were you, I should make another! experiment. He couldn't translate that story even if he tried. If they knew the answer, the teacher would be happy. If John were there, I should immediately1 go to him. If I knew his native language, I should answer him. Тип Г: If we had known about your experiments, the letter would not have been sent. Had the road been better, we should not have been late. If John had beeri here, we should have asked him. Had I known his native language, I should ha-l ve answered him. 371