The farmer is in his house. - Фермер в своем доме. The furniture is in the room. - Мебель в комнате. The cows are in the field. - Коровы в поле. Smith lives in England. - Смит живет в Англии. Не lives in the country. - Он живет в деревне. We see a balloon in the sky. - Мы видим шарик в небе. Look at the frogs in the pond. - Посмотрите на лягушек в пруду. Предлог into указывает на движение внутрь, в новые пределы и границы, погружение в какую-либо среду. The farmer goes into his house. - Фермер входит в дом The cowherd takes the herd into the field. - Пастух ведет стадо в поле. A balloon floats into the sky. - Шарик летит в небо. A frog jumps into the pond. - Лягушка прыгает в пруд. Reading - Чтение A Farm in the Country Ферма в деревне Part II The farmer has a horse. He has some cows. The farmer hires some men and women to help him on the farm. One of the men takes care of the farmer’s cows. He is a cowherd. In the morning he takes the cows out into the field. There are fifteen cows in the herd. The farmer keeps the cows for milk. He keeps some pigs, too. Besides the cottage the farmer has a barn. Cows and pigs are domestic animals. Is a dog a domestic animal? Yes, it is. It is not a wild animal. The farmer’s wife has a cat. The cat has enough food, but it also hunts for mice. When it catches a mouse it brings it to the farmer’s wife. The cat wants to show its mistress that it is a useful animal and a good hunter. The farmer has a family. He has a wife and two children. They are boys. They are his sons. We see a garden round the farm-house. We see some appletrees in it. The farmer grows and sells apples. He grows cabbages and carrots and potatoes in his garden, too. The farmer goes about the country on horseback. One day he rides his horse and passes a dog by the road. “Hello,” says the dog. “Incredible!” says the farmer. “A talking dog!” 82