жаль разочарованный — Oh, I see, well, perhaps some other time. — What a shame! Maybe next week? — Well never mind. We’ll find another date. Ничего страшного. At the restaurant / В ресторане Во многих странах при входе в ресторан Вам встретится табличка «Please wait to be seated!». Это предупреждение о том, что к столику Вас поведет официант, Вы не должны искать место самостоятельно. Если Вам не нравится предложенный столик, просто попросите усадить Вас за другой: Could we have that table over there at the window, please? Выбор блюд в чужой стране — дело не из простых. Если Вы не уверены в том, что заказать, положитесь на совет коллеги, пригласившего Вас, или официанта: I could recommend you the veal cutlet (телячий шни- цель) which comes with baked potatoes and seasonal vegetable. Пример Waiter: Good evening! Mr Chester: Good evening. We’d like a table for two, please. Waiter: Smoking or non-smoking? Mr Chester: Non-smoking, please. Waiter. Just follow me, please. — Here we are. Mr Chester: Could we have a table at the window so that we can enjoy the wonderful view? Waiter: I’m afraid they have all been reserved. Mr Chester: Well, never mind this one is fine too. Waiter: Have you made a choice yet? Mr Horst: No. no yet. I’m having some problems with the menu. Could you tell me what veal is? Waiter: Let me see, how do / explain. It’s the meat of a baby cow. Mr Horst: OK, I understand, thanks. Well, Mr Chester you’ve been here before. What would you recommend? Mr Chester: The steak is very good here. Mr Horst: OK, I’ll have the steak with a salad and French fries (AmA)/ chips (БА). каргофель-фри 145