— I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. — I’m sorry, but I don’t agree at all. — I absolutely disagree / I think you’re wrong. мне кажется Я присоединяюсь к Вашему предложению. одного и того же мнения Я разделяю Ваше мнение. Effective business discussions / успешное деловое общение Ведение протокола Протокол (minutes) или отчет (report) должен содержать важнейшие высказывания участников и восстанавливать картину того, как принимались решения и каковы были результаты. В английском языке для этого используется непрямая речь. Обращайте внимание на то, что глагол употребляется в прошлом времени. В качестве примера мы приводим отрывок из протокола дискуссии со с. 65. Пример Minutes of the meeting held at the Head Office of Miller, on Oct. 13-05. Subject: New office buildings Present: Mr Chester: Chairman Absent: Mr Macquire Ms Shawn: Public relations Guest: Mr Horst Mr Wells: Human Resources Mr Jones: Financial Director Mrs Simpson: Secretary The chairman opened the meeting, confirmed the minutes of the last meeting and underlined the importance of coming to a decision. He asked Mr Jones to start the discussion by giving his opinion on the building site. Mr Jones said he had investigated the area and thought that the accessibility was a problem. He added that a new motorway was planned but that this plan would take too long to wait for. Mr Wells suggested to look for another location and reminded the board of the extra traveling time this site would imply (включать в себя, предполагать). Не continued to say that he was already working many extra hours. The chairman interrupted him and summoned (призвал, настоятельно попросил) him to stick to the subject. Ms Shawn agreed with Mr Wells and stressed the importance of the vicinity (близость) of an airport or railway station, considering the international character of the company. Mr Jones objected to this because he thought these places were too expensive. 119