read |
Act. |
see |
eat |
sew |
understan |
Pass |
shake |
deal with |
walk |
water |
A. |
carry |
cook |
repair |
swim |
P. |
give up |
bring |
see off |
enter |
A. |
give |
spell |
grow |
P. |
fight |
look for |
sit |
dig |
A. |
wash |
write |
build |
paint |
P. |
Продемонстрируем, как могла бы начаться игра «Муха* с применен»! ем изображенного нами игрового поля и приведенных ниже ситуативных фраз.
leather. Today we are playing «А Fly*.
Let the starting position be the square «Past Indefinite». Mr. A, would you mind starting the game?
Mr. A. O.K. So I'm Mr. A. Let me start the game.
Oh! That’s Mr. B' Haven’t seen you for ages Good afternoon!
Mr. B. Good afternoon!
Mr. A. May 1 know where you are now?
Mr. В Of course. To my mind I’ve come to the square Future in the Past Continuous.