424. On the other hand, tissues such as adult rat brain and muscle, which do not form fatty acids from glucose to any extent, appear to utilize this hexose solely via the Emb-den-Meyerhof pathway. 425. Evidently, a fuel with a lower ignition temperature, all other conditions being equal, will ignite more quickly than one with higher ignition temperature. 426. The purity of an organic compound may be judged by the determination of various physical constants, such as the specific gravity, crystal form, or index of refraction. 427. Schuster concluded that the structures accounted for the properties of the intermediates, particularly their conversion in acid into a racyl derivatives. 428. The chief power of magnet to attract or repel is concentrated at certain poles — located at the ends of far magnet — one being known as a north pole and the other as south pole. 429. Results thus far obtained do suggest,however, that this novel approach may lead to definite advantages over the established techniques of laboratory abrasion testing. 430. The foreign matter such as sulphur and iron, which are found in coals to a varying degree, may have been due to the presence of minerals containing these elements in their neighbourhood. 431. The feedback current is removed when H or L releases: this causes relay S to re-operate and the cycle to repeat, until the current in S due to the phase discriminator is less than that required to operate relay. 432. There is quite a difference of opinion as to the most practicable space velocity. There are many considerations to be taken into account in determining space velocity. 433. Unless other conditions are stated specifically, we shall use the term «state» to represent an equilibrium state. 434. Such structural changes as may take place in various metals and alloys when in service over an extended period of time, can hardly be expected to take place in the brief periods employed 552