369. The presence of thromboplastic substances in red cells has been confirmed in this laboratory. This activity resides in the phospholipids of the red cell ultrastructure, and appears to be due primarily to the presence of phosphatidyl serine. 370. Extremely complicated analysis does occur in quantum calculations particularly for atoms and nuclei. 371. We see from Figure 2 that magnitude is an even function of frequency and phase is an odd function of frequency, which always turns out to be the case. 372. Not only can a computer deal with calculations of many different kinds, but it can be switched rapidly from one to another. 373. Up to 1928 organis compounds were believed to be the products of vital processes only, that is the products of plant or animal organs, therefore «organic». 374. If these nucleotide-linked peptides were applied on the amino-acid analyzer it might be expected that they would beelu-ted very rapidly. Some of our unidentified peaks may well be the nucleotide peptides. 375. Petroleum being undoubtedly of organic origin, it is still a matter of some doubt whether of vegetable or animal origin. 376. The low-noise character of sky-directed antennas would be of little use were it not for the extremely low-noise microwave amplifiers which come into being just as satellite communications became a possibility. 377. Power could be transmitted over several miles by a series of belts, but the loss due to friction and other causes would be so great that only a small proprotion of the power would remain to be used. 378. In order for any phenomenon to be shown visually as a function of time it is necessary that it be electrical in nature. 379. Equation 16 finds experimental confirmation over a much wider range of geometries than that for which analytical solutions of equation 15 are available, and may be assumed generally true for space-charge-limited discharges of the kind considered. 547