412. It was originally thought that the cracking was solely caused by the solvent, since the use of a forced air draught over the joint to accelerate evaporation was found to be beneficial, but the results of tests were inconsistent and attention was directed to the tubing itself. 413. The performance of both amplifiers compares favourably with the best that have been made to date. 414. We know amoving magnet to be able to induce a current in a wire, the effect being especially pronounced if the wire were in the form of a coil. 415. There is an increase in arterial and venous blood pressure when healthy individuals are exposed to cold which may be associated with little or no change in pulse rate. 416. Solar installations have been reported to exist in many countries. some of these installations seem to be used primarily for experimental purposes. 417. On this view the constitution of the kation of the coloured salts is that of a free radical, there being one less electron than is needed for a compound of normal valency. 418. There appears to be little doubt that if financing can be arranged by a third party, cable links will prove to be viable and a sound investment. 419. In order to make the satellite a whole number of highly involved scientific and engineering problems had to be solved. 420. It is worth noting that the rate of return for this project is virtually the same for annual and continuous compounding. 421. The use of amplification makes possible the satisfactory-reception of signals from waves that would otherwise be too weak to give an audible response. 422. All but one of the units are placed within goldplated copper screening cans, the exception being the heater shunt and fuse assembly attached to the amplifier. 423. It is customary in calculating the moment of inertia of a molecule to assume each atom has the proper number of electrons to make it neutral and that the entire mass of the atom is concentrated at a point. 551