380. In many ways reduction resembles the action of a Grig-nard reagent, hydrogen entering the reactant molecule in place of an alkyl or aryl group. 381. A contribution of bacterial endotoxin to the development of irreversibility in experimental hemorrhagic shock has been postulated, but neither the importance of this factor nor the mechanism involved has been fully established. 382. The mixture of fuel and air prior to ignition is of heterogeneous nature, with atomization, vaporization and mixing oc-curing simultaneously. 383. We have not reached conclusions regarding treatment of patients with degerated disks. It is quite evident, that establishing an exact diagnosis will allow disk degeneration to be more intelligently investigated and treated. 384. Some types of machine-tool equipment may be used to advantage in several of the industries, such industries not necessarily being similar in nature. 385. This pulse width represents the time by which the multivibrator is running faster than 16 times the input frequency. 386. Several different types of crystal materials were tried as 4 to 2 mm. converters. Welded contact germanium diodes, operating essentially as non-linear resistors, offered the best efficiency. 387. The study of single electrical circuits does not seem to have given rise to large-scale automatic computation to the extent that one might expect. 388. Care should be exercised not to run the collector current so high as to exceed the transistors maximum power dissipation of 75 milliwatts. It is best to operate the transistor at a level of 50 mw. or less, this should provide a sufficient margin of safety. 389. The result of a computation is said to involve error if the result differs by only a small percentage from the solution. 390. If the Telstar satellite had been built using the state-of-the-art of a decade ago it would have been a very different satellite. 548