пара пустяков; плевое депо; раз плюнуть С Winning the race was п piece of cake. a pig in a poke кот в мешке I. The new car we bought was a pig in a poke because we were unable to get a mechanic to check it before we paid for it. я pin-drop silence мертвая/гробовая тишина During the memorial service the congregation observed a pin-drop silence which lasted the traditional two minutes. a pinky мизинчик I Wayne was keen on home repairs, but being clumsy, he often hit his pinky with the hammer. a pipe dream голубая мечта (несбыточная надежда) : Mr Peter Rees has а pipe dream that one day the British Royal family will be emperors of Europe. a pipsqueak козявка; букашка; мелочь пузатая I won’t have any pipsqueaks telling me what to do! a piss artist (inf) шарлатан Those so-called multi-media consultants were just a bunch of piss artists. a poker face каменное/непроницаемое лицо Whenever Betty attended one of her children’s performances, she managed to keep a poker face. a powder keg пороховая бочка (взрывоопасная ситуация) We left just be fore the revolution, realizing that we were sitting on a powder keg. 28