a nut-case/nutcase псих, шизик Many leading specialists were thought to be nut-cases when they revealed their inventions. a nut-house/nut house психушка The gunman was declared insane by the court and sent to a high-security nut house. a nosey Parker/nosey parker любопытная Варвара; лезть в душу; совать нос в чужие дела I don't see why I should tell her all my plans - she 's just an old nosey parker. a one-armed bandit «однорукий бандит» (игорный автомат) How much have you lost on the one-armed bandits? a one-man show театр одного актера Anything Paul is involved in tends to become a one-man show, much to everyone else’s annoyance. a pack of lies сплошная ложь; сплошное вранье Don't believe a word of it! The story's a pack of lies! a pack rat (Am) плюшкин (старьевщик) Forme there could be nothing worse than living with a pack rat. Z Why are there so many things in this room? -It's my brother's room, and he is a pack rat; he is unable to throw stuff away. a pain in the neck (inf) зануда; головная боль L My little sister won't leave me alone. She's a real pain in the neck. I’m on 24-hour call and find the night callouts a pain in the neck. a paper chase (Am) бумажная волокита To receive even the smallest amount of financial aid from a college is a real paper chase. 26