![]() ![]() negative purpose, 102 negative sentence, 53, 93, 107, 135 neither, 51, 94 neither ... nor, 98 neutral approach, 14 never leave a free variable, 15 never prepose an adjectival phrase with a complement, 65 never put two periods, 137 next, 53, 153 nice, 124 no, 51, 137, 139 nominating function, 61 nonassertive words, 107 nonce-word, 41 nonfinite clause, 72 nonrestrictive clause, 113 nonrestrictive element, 112 nonwords, 41 nor, 94 notwithstanding, 111 noun as an adjective, 66, 124 noun phrase, 64 number “1”, 125 numbers, 125 nursery rhyme, 114 ob ject complement, 71, 119 of + an ing-form, 87 of after superlatives, 60 of-genitive, 66, 85 ... of the ..., 55 omission of and, 115 omission of that, 73 on, 94, 144 on account of, 144 on condition that, 139 one, 55, 125 one another, 28, 143 one as a substitute, 55 one determiner is enough, 57 One Future Is Enough, 104 “one” is best avoided, 125 Opdycke J., 98, 180 or else, 96 or else/again, 102 order in premodification, 66 order of adverbials, 90, 143 order of ordinals and cardinals, 53 ordinals, 52 Orwell G., 9, 28, 81, 180 other, 51, 53 out, 77 outset of a new discourse, 98 overworked punctuation marks, 16 own, 55 parallelly, 93 part, 139 participles, 72 Partridge E., 28, 32, 43, 54, 73, 92, 143, 144, 180 passive, 81, 94 passive transformation, 81 passive voice, 65, 72 Past Subjunctive, 108 perfect aspect, 72 phrasal conjunction, 111 phrasal verb, 40, 70, 77 Pidgin, 17 pile-up of prepositional phrases, 121 plural noun, 45 position of adverbials, 89 positive sentence, 53 possess, 140 possessive pronouns block the passive transformation, 83 possessives, 52 postdeterminer, 52 postmodification, 63 postmodification and articles, 61 postmodification with an of-phrase, 62 preceding, 139 predeterminer, 52 predicative adjectives, 64, 95 premodification, 63 premodification confers permanence, 66 preposition, 114 prepositional phrase, 71, 89 prepositional verb, 70 Present Perfect, 43 Present Subjunctive, 119 Present Tense, 125 Present вместо Future, 104 process adjuncts, 80 progressive, 79 pronouns, 73 proper noun, 44 proven, 140 ![]() ![]() |