Звучит устрашающая музыка, появляется Великан. It is my own garden. Anyone must understand that. And I will allow nobody to play in it but myself. I will build a high wall all around it and put up a notice-board. Trespassers will be prosecuted! Вход воспрещен! Нарушители будут наказаны! Не was a very selfish Giant. The poor children had no anywhere to play. Выходят дети под печальную музыку. Let’s go to play on the road. No, the road is very dusty and full of hard stones. How happy we were there. Уходят. Звучит музыка. Заходит Зима, снимает листья с деревьев. Музыка изменяется. Заходит Весна с букетом цветов, но, увидев табличку, уходит. Зима возвращается. Then the Spring саше and all around were little blossoms and little birds. Only in the garden of the Selfish Giant it was still Winter. The birds did not sing in it. The only people, who were pleased were the Snow and the Frost. Входят Снег и Мороз. Spring forgot this garden. So we will live here all the year round. We must ask the North Wind on a visit. Заходит Северный Ветер. Oh, it is a beautiful garden. I stay here too. Появляется Великан. I cannot understand, why the Spring is so late in coming. I hope there will be a change in the weather. But the Spring never came and the Summer too. The Autumn gave golden fruit to every garden But she didn’t give fruit to the Giant’s garden 107