Часы бьют 12 часов. Oh! Where are you? Золушка убегает, потеряв туфельку. Стражник вводит бедно одетую Золушку. She tried to leave the palace. Listen to me, my guard! Close all the gates and look for the girl who has lost this shoe. Is this your shoe, poor girl? Why are you keeping silence? Try the shoe on, please. Девочки окружают героиню, потом расходятся. Золушка предстает вновь в бальном платье. Oh! My dear daughter, you are so pretty! What is your name, beautiful girl? It is my daughter. Her name is Cinderella. I love your daughter and I want to get married with her. Cinderella, be my wife and you, Mr. Basil be my father-in-law. My palace is yours now. Guests: Be happy! Children (together). Mary Poppins, where do we go today? It is a surprise. Children. Do we go to the park? No we don’t. Children. Do we go to the Zoo? No we don’t. Children. Do we go to the excursion? 102