As we were starting what must he do but cut his finger. — Мы уже выходили, когда он вдруг порезал себе палец (...возьми да и порежь...). At a time when everybody is in bed he must turn on the wireless. — Именно когда уже все спят, он вдруг включает приемник. 4. Invitations (приглашения). You must come and see me sometime. You must come and have dinner with us. You must come and see our picture gallery. II. Combined with any form of the infinitive must expresses probability, near certainty. It has the same meaning as the words probably, evidently. In this sense must occurs only in positive statement and corresponds to the Russian words eepo ятно, должно быть. He must be mad (it seems cenain that he is mad). He must be lonely (probably he is lonely). Where's Nell? She must be sightseeing now (she is probably sightseeing). Note: With verbs which admit the continuous aspect, the continuous infiniti* ve should be used for reference to the present. John isn't here. He must be working in the garden. Jane is busy. She must be packing for the trip. Xfust combined with the indefinite infinitive of these verbs expresses obligati on, probability or near certainty. He must work in the garden. (Он должен работать в саду.) 100