Если Вы спрашиваете дорогу или о чем-то просите, всегда используйте вежливую форму: Could you, please ...? или Would you, please ...? (He могли бы Вы / будьте так добры...), а не Can you?, что звучит несколько невежливо. Если Вы спрашиваете о возможностях коллеги, то Can you? будет как раз подходящей формулировкой. Пример A: Could you show me the conference room, please? В: Sure, it’s on the sixth floor, on the top of the building, at the end of the corridor next to the advertising department and opposite the resl rooms. рядом напротив туалеты A: The sixth floor! 1 do hope you have an elevator! B: Don’t worry, there’s one right behind the stairs near the main entrance. A: Thanks very much! B: You’re welcome. Полезные фразы Asking the way / Как спросить дорогу — Could you tell me where the ... is? — It’s on the third floor. — Excuse me, how do I find the...? — It’s behind the lift (БА) / elevator (АмА). / You're standing right in front of it. — How do I get to your office? — Go through that glass door and ... / Go along this corridor. — Would you, please, show me the car park (БА) / parking lot (АмА)? — You have to go past the production plant / мимо works. There's a parking garage in the basement. подвальный этаж — Where can I find the photocopier? - It’s next to / by the post room. Preparation of the conference facilities / Подготовка конференц-зала (переговорной) 104