Football is played by twenty-two players. There are two teams, or sides, and there are eleven players in each team. One of them is the goalkeeper. He defends the goal of his team. There are some forwards, full-backs and half-backs in a team. The forwards attack and their object is to put the ball into the goal of the rival team. Forwards score goals. The backs help the goalkeeper to defend their goal from the attacks of their rivals. Sometimes they join the forwards and become attackers. The ball is advanced by kicking or heading. Most players may not handle the ball. Only the goalkeeper may do it -when he is in his own penalty area. A game lasts 90 minutes. It is divided into two halves of 45 minutes each. The game is started from the centre. A coin is tossed by the referee and the winner begins the game. Or the winner chooses which goal to take and defend. The goals are changed at half-time. The game is restarted from the centre after each goal. Quotation - Цитата В Евангелии от Матфея (гл. 6, ст. 9-10) приводится поучение Иисуса: молясь, не говорите лишнего. Молитесь же так... Дальше мы читаем по-английски, уже зная, что may в данном случае соответствует русскому пусть. This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven: May your holy name be honoured; may your Kingdom come; may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven...” Notes - Примечания 1. Heaven ['hevn] - это небо в божественном смысле, это небеса, иногда даже рай. Прилагательное holy ['houli] означает святой. Понятно, что kingdom ['kigdamj - это королевство, но при переводе библейских текстов мы пишем царство. Обратите внимание: здесь will - существительное воля; не путать с глаголом will. 2. Переведем отдельно предложения со страдательным залогом. Добавим “от себя” несколько фраз, где в образовании страдательного залога участвуют “особые” глаголы. 308