chicken feed (n) крохи; копейки; гроши Invest ments of $20,000 are chicken feed to massive companies like IBM. child’s play детские игрушки; пара пустяков Climbing that hill is child's play to the experienced mountaineer. chilled to the bone/marrow продрогший/промерзший до костей : I forgot my coat and came home chilled to the marrow. • After skiing in the wind for five hours straight, I was chilled to the bone. chock-a-block (inf adj) битком набит (до отказа) Г. London is chock-a-block with tourists at the moment. chop and change шарахаться из стороны в сторону (резко менять) I never know which doctor will be on duly when I phone because they’re always chopping and changing. After chopping and changing for the first year, Paul and Jamie have settled down to a stable system of management. chopsticks (n) собачий вальс; чижик-пыжик J Geff claimed he could play the piano but all that Christine remembered him performing was a poor version of ‘chopsticks' at a Christmas party. clap smb in gaol/jaii посадить за решетку; бросить в тюрьму Nowadays debtors are not just clapped immediately into jail/gaol. claptrap (n) чепуха на постном масле; чушь собачья □ Aldogan's claim that his family are wealthy landowners in Anatolia is all claptrap. clear the air прояснить ситуацию; внести ясность The quarrel had not solved any problems, but at least it had cleared the air. 78