2. вывести из себя, раздражать His rudeness really put me out. Father was put out when Jane spilled grape juice on his new suit. put smb up to надоумить, навести на мысль, науськать ! Was it her own idea or did someone put her up to it? JI think I know who put him up to cheating. put smth down to smth приписать, объяснить, отнести на счет ч-л I I put his bad temper down to his recent illness. Li Jim puts his success down to hard work. put up (at) остановиться(переночевать) He always puts up at the Crown Hotel when he’s in town. [1 The traveller put up at a motel. put up with выносить (терпеть), мириться с ч-л The visitors could put up with any amount of boredom. J How do you put up with that noise all day long? R rabbit on (about) (inf) распространяться, разглагольствовать I He’s always rabbiting on about his stamp collection, j She keeps rabbiting on about her health. rake in rake it in (inf) грести деньги лопатой; зарабатывать бешеные деньги They’ve got so many shops, they must be raking it in! Z Building firms in Saudi Arabia are raking it in at the moment. I Too many people are raking in large profits from the housing market rake up (inf) ворошить прошлое; вытаскивать на свет □ Why did they have to rake up those old stories? It was obviously very embarrassing for everyone concerned, i Please, don’t rake up that old quarrel. 368