April 1, 1994 RFG Manufacturing Agency 4087 Nine Avenue New York, New York 10056 Dear Sir or Madam, We intend to purchase a new office copier before the end of the fiscal year. We would like to consider an RFG copier and wonder if you have a model that suit our needs. Our office is small, and a copier would generally be used by only three secretaries. We run approximately 3, 000 copies a month and prefer a machine that uses regular paper. We would like a callator, but rarely need to run off more than 25 copies at any time. We would also like to know about your warranty and repair service. Since our fiscal year ends June 30, 1994 we hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely yours, Обратите внимание, как легко адресату отвечать на это письмо, где изложены все нюансы и детали дела по требуемым копировальным машинам. В этом письме-запросе дана четкая картина того, что вам нужно, и менеджер сможет уже быстро и без труда предложить вам искомое. С другой стороны, совершенно излишне писать, как, к примеру, одна леди, заказ на флюгер для ее нового гаража, указав лишь цену из каталога, что попался ей на глаза. Dear Sirs, Please send me one of your weather vanes which I saw advertised for $34. 95. We have recently repainted our garage and a weather vane would be a wonderful finishing touch. He надо писать — для чего вам нужен флюгер, - это совсем не интересно там, на той стороне. Опишите лучше размер, цвет и другие необходимые параметры флюгера. Dear Sirs, I have seen your, ad in the Boston globe of Sunday, February 12, and would like to order the following weather vane: Model EPC-18 eagle with arrow, copper, $34. 95. I would like the weather vane sent to the above address by parcel post and charged, with any applicable sales tax and handling costs, to my VISA account (number 003 0971 A108; expiration date, 3/93). 27