![]() ![]() (Внимательный читатель заметит, что оборот since ..., then ... проклят уже в третий раз. Если бы это лекарство помогало...) One indispensable rule for all good translation is that the translator must read his work again at least twenty-four hours later. At the time of first making a translation the translator knows what his English sentences mean, since he has the Russian in front of him (or in his memory) to tell him, and this unfair advantage over the ultimate consumer cannot be sufficiently discounted in less than about twenty-four hours.... In the final rereading, at least twenty-four hours after first translating the passage, please check that all sentences are complete and all symbols are clear, and that no sentences, footnotes or other, have been unintentionally left out. Обдумайте советы Н. Хайема В недавней популярной брошюре Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences, которую написал Nicholas J. Higham, собраны многие полезные наблюдения. Вот некоторые из них, относящиеся к нашей теме. Certain adjectives have an absolute meaning and cannot be qualified by words such as less, quite, rather and very.... However, essentially unique is an acceptable term in mathematical writing: it means unique up to some known transformations. Use an adjective only if it earns its place. The adjectives very, rather, quite, nice and interesting should be used with caution in technical writing, as they are imprecise. Try to avoid using nouns as adjectives. An adverb that is overworked in mathematical writing is essentially .... A valid use of essentially is in the expression “essentially the same as”, which by convention in scientific writing means “the same, except for minor details”. (Обратите внимание на авторскую расстановку знаков препинания, отличную от обсуждаемой в гл. 29.) ![]() ![]() |