It flies like the wind. - Она летит как ветер. Drive safely. - Ведите машину осторожно. Do not tailgate! - Соблюдайте дистанцию, drunk driving - вождение в нетрезвом состоянии Better to be safe than sorry. - Безопасность лучше раскаяния. Take every precaution. - Примите все меры безопасности. It comes with a lifetime guarantee. - Предоставляется с пожизненной гарантией. Customer satisfaction or your money back. - Гарантируем, что покупатель будет удовлетворен, или возвращаем деньги, (стандартная концовка рекламного объявления) zero financing - беспроцентный кредит The lease expires in three years. - Аренда заканчивается через три года, renewal options - возможности для возобновления контракта affordable repairs - ремонт по доступным ценам The break pads need to be replaced. - Тормозные колодки необходимо заменить. Expressions Buying cosmetics - I’m thinking of getting a makeover. Do you have any suggestions? - Our makeup artist will be glad to assist you in this matter. However, if you’d like a more in-depth consultation, our dermatologist is here every Tuesday. - I’m looking for a product that will hide existing wrinkles and also for a product that will prevent new ones from appearing. - For wrinkle prevention we offer a basic line of anti-aging creams and lotions. As for concealing lines that have already appeared, apply a light coat of foundation. - I was also wondering about the perfumes that you offer this season. - We have an array of perfumes and colognes. Are you interested in a light or a heavy scent? - I’m looking for something heavier, although not overpowering. A fragrance for evenings on the town. 59