She is throwing up. - Ее рвет. She is in intensive care. - Она в реанимации. He is in the recovery room. - Он в послеоперационной палате. This is the pediatric ward. - Это детское отделение/детская палата. The surgery went well, and she is doing fine. - Операция прошла удачно, I и у нее все идет хорошо. _ Expressions Mental health - My family physician said I needed to talk to a psychiatrist and referred me to you, Doctor. I hope you can help. - I'll do my best. What seems to be troubling you? - I am so anxious when I go to bed at night that I cannot relax and fall asleep. - And how do you feel when you wake up? - Exhausted and depressed, so I can't get anything done. - How long has this been going on? And what do you think may have set it off? - I've been feeling this way for over two months. My wife and I got divorced six months ago. - Divorce is a very traumatic experience, and you could simply be having a delayed reaction. - What should I do? I am afraid I'll lose my job - which, of course, makes me even more stressed out. - First of all, I am going to prescribe a sleeping aid, so that you no longer suffer from sleep deprivation. Secondly, I want you to come in for a therapy session. And if none of this works, then we can consider trying some anti-depressants. Психическое здоровье - Мой семейный врач сказал, что мне необходимо обратиться к психиатру, и направил меня к вам, доктор. Я надеюсь, вы сможете мне помочь. - Я сделаю все, что от меня зависит. Что вас беспокоит? 120